
Priscilla can be seen in the documentary film and TV show "The Difference".
Priscilla participates in delivering her message in many different ways. To listen to a selection of her recent broadcasts please go to the Links page.
Crystal Singing Bowls with Reiki
Sound is one of the fundamental elements that make-up vibrational medicine. As carriers of the universe, Crystal Singing Bowls carry and transmit the universal life force energy of Reiki. As Reiki is life force energy, when in combination with the singing bowls, it enhances and intensifies the healing process by restoring wholeness, correcting, deepening and amplifying the harmonic balance throughout the physical, mental and emotional whole self, creating a symphony of health and vibrancy.
Master Usui-Tibetan Enhanced Reiki | Reconnective Healing practioner | Himalayan | International Association of Reiki Professionals |
Karuna Reiki | Reconnection Healing | Crystal | World Reiki Association |
Shamballa Reiki | Level III Magnified Healing practitioner | American Council of Holistic Healers | |
Light Initiation practitioner | New England Holistic Chamber of Commerce | ||
Master/Teacher Blue Moon Isis | Assabet Valley Chamber of Commerce | ||
Consciousness Bars Practitioner | American Holistic Health Association | ||
Certified Medical Intuitive Spiritual Counselor |
American Association of Healers |